Easy Movement While Driving: Upper Body Focus Audio



Easy Movement While Driving: Upper Body Focus Audio Download


Are you stiff?

Do you feel aches and pains and are blaming age?

Are you suck in a small space?

Driving for long periods of time?

When you are sitting for long periods with no ability to get up whenever you feel like it, that makes taking care of your health that much harder.

I hear you!

Every movement matters, and when you move mindfully, you feel better. This gentle movement-based audio will guide you through simple exercises to help keep your body and mind limber, happy, and healthy that are safe to do while driving.

Now, this isn’t what you might think of as “typical exercise” where you are practically killing yourself. This is a functional movement that focuses on your joints, your fascia, your tissues, your mobility, all the while helping you create a deeper connection to your own body and breath.

This practice does not have to be done in the driver’s seat; you can also sit in a chair or on a bench.

It’s not about who has the biggest muscles and who runs or hits the gym the most. It’s about who can function in their everyday life the best.

The health challenges of long-term sitting are said to be the “new smoking.” Kick that habit, and don’t wait until you have time for the gym. Move where you sit. Join Hope for this simple yet effective movement sequence that you can do from any seat!

This audio track is a custom-created 18:46-minutes seated movement sequence audio downloadable track that is written and directed by Hope Zvara.

  • Perfect movement sequence for those on the go.
  • It can be downloaded to your devices and is saved in your private account for future access.
  • It can be used with any device with or without headphones.

“There are opportunities to move throughout your entire day. Why not do some of them from the drivers seat?”.  – Hope Zvara E-RYT500, CPT, Certified Meditation Teacher, CEO of Mother Trucker Yoga

Are you in need of:

  • In need of inner calm?
  • Want to feel more at peace with yourself and others?
  • In need of a quick timeout so you can clock back in with a new perspective on life?
  • Ideal for beginners to meditate to those who have been meditating for years.
  • Great for those with busy lives or on the go: truck drivers, travelers, anyone with stress.

This upper-body movement-guided audio was designed to help you:

  • Add more movement into your day without taking more time out of your day.
  • Help you de-stress your mind and body.
  • Reduce stiffness, aching muscles, and sore joints in the upper body.
  • Increase your body awareness to reduce injury.
  • Get you breathing more deeply to help relax the body and even boost the metabolism.

This guided movement audio download is perfect for anyone looking to move more, burn more calories, is stuck in small spaces, spend too much time sitting or immobile and need a little movement snack.

Don’t think about this as exercise; think about this as simple movements we forget about and take for granted!

This is a practical and inspiring guide to working with your mind to develop inner and outer harmony. There is no fancy jargon or “out there” sounds or lingo. Just Hope’s instruction to help you get moving and feel good again.

This audio teaches three key practices.

  • Mindfulness breathing will help you to develop more calmness and peace of mind by tuning into your breath.
  • Simple yet effective movements you can do while sitting. That you will find yourself doing even after the practice has ended.
  • Going from chaos to calm in just a few breaths.
  • Please note that not all movements described on this audio may not be suitable for all drivers behind the wheel; please use common sense while driving and participating in this audio track.

TOTAL TRACK TIME: 18:46 minutes

Breathing plays an integral part in living the best life possible. Take 5 minutes to de-stress and step back into the present moment with this custom meditation helping you to relax, breathe, and dig into your breathing so you can step back into life ready and willing.


If you love this track, check out our custom 20-minute video movement (exercise) sequence, perfectly designed for a stiff body looking for more mobility and less pain.

Mother Trucker Yoga’s Move Mobility 20-Minute Workout Video Download

Looking for more moves to do in the driver’s seat? Check out our Mother Trucker Yoga Membership Site! New videos each month!